Judith McLean

Ko Maungatautari te maunga

Ko Waihou te awa

Kei te noho au ki Putāruru

Engari, nō Walton ahau

Ko Wills tōku whānau

Ko Judith McLean tōku ingoa.

Nau mai ki te kura ō Tokoroa North School.

A warm welcome to you all.

As principal of Tokoroa North School, I have the privilege of leading an amazing kura. I was first appointed as part of the leadership team many years ago and have been part of the team who has developed our school vision, our shared beliefs and values.  

We have an outstanding staff who work hard to provide quality teaching and learning environments.  Our mission statement, “Together we Learn for Life – Ako ngātahi ki te ora”,  encompasses our belief in connecting with all to support learning for students.  We value our whānau involvement and encourage building relationships to further support students in their learning academically, culturally, on the sports field and the arts.

Staff and students have a strong sense of pride in our school and strive for excellence in all areas. Strong partnerships with students’ parents, caregivers and whānau  provide the best possible learning opportunities to ensure students reach their true potential.  Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.  Visitors often comment on our positive culture when they step into our kura.  

As we learn about Aotearoa NZ Histories, we are working to ensure our planning reflects our localised curriculum.  We endeavour to do this by understanding  tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori and Te Ao Māori. Through this our Māori students enjoy educational success as Māori. They are proud of who they are and  respect and acknowledge our multicultural community.

Our school has a specialised Learning Support Centre (Piki Kōtuku)  for students with an intellectual disability. Following our inclusive policy, you will find these students joining mainstream classes for all or part of a day.

Students are encouraged to build relationships across the school through buddy classes, radical readers, providing support and encouragement at sporting and cultural events.

Tokoroa North School is a great school.

Please come and see for yourself.